Lamentosa RPG de Navegador

Lobisomem Anathema

Amaldiçoado VIP
Transformou-se em lobisomem em 13 de Outubro de 2018 às 12:01

Publicado por Lamentus Lab
Poder de Luta: Baseado em suas habilidades desconsiderando equipamentos.
Combatividade: Número de vitórias contra a raça inimiga nas últimas 24 horas. Ajuda seu clã a reduzir o custo no treino de atributos. Limit: 30
Vitórias do Grimório: Usado para aprender magias após o nível 10.
  • Experiência

    31205 / 31205
  • Vida

    4667 / 5550
  • Força
    Melhora o dano de seu ataque

  • Defesa
    Diminuí o dano de seu inimigo

  • Agilidade
    Melhora a chance de acertar seu imimigo

  • Inteligência
    Melhora a chance de esquivar-se de um ataque inimigo

  • Resistência
    Permite que você ataque por mais rodadas


Lobisomem Descrição

Eu acordo depois de uma noite sem dormir,
Sinto-me estranho alterado com uma sede sanguinária,
Comecei com 2anos de atraso mas tudo farei para me manter entre os melhores,
Pois eu nunca esqueço um nome e nunca desisto de um desafio mas injustiças jamais perdoarei,
E um dia irei superar o meu pior adversário e o atacarei de 12 em 12horas até ele deixar este Mundo.
✟Deus ajude os meus amigos,
Porque dos meus inimigos trato eu✟
"O que mais me impressiona nos fracos é que eles precisam humilhar os outros, para sentirem-se fortes"

Novo Recorde:

Anathema lost 69 of life.
Angarth Murdock lost 8050 of life.
Anathema stolen 414340 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 1 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.

Anathema lost 0 of life.
Black Label lost 3716 of life.
Anathema stolen 392291 from Black Label.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 2945 of life.
Black Label lost 3660 of life.
Anathema stolen 377503 from Black Label.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 552 of life.
Thor lost 5450 of life.
Anathema stolen 371306 from Thor.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.

Anathema lost 3062 of life.
Black Label lost 4381 of life.
Anathema stolen 353549 from Black Label.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Clark lost 2781 of life.
Anathema lost 2576 of life.
Anathema stolen 308375 from Clark.
Anathema received 0 points of experience

CondeDraculon lost 5052 of life.
Anathema lost 3330 of life.
Anathema stolen 301480 from CondeDraculon.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

CondeDraculon lost 4134 of life.
Anathema lost 1775 of life.
Anathema stolen 256564 from CondeDraculon.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 151 of life.
Black Label lost 3859 of life.
Anathema stolen 233374 from Black Label.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because attacked a clan's foe (same category) in clan's war. Yours clan received +1 war points!

Sendō Iori lost 5528 of life.
Anathema lost 4483 of life.
Anathema stolen 191538 from Sendō Iori.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 681 of life.
BŁØØĐ lost 4246 of life.
Anathema stolen 179491 from BŁØØĐ.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.

Angarth Murdock lost 2397 of life.
Anathema lost 2275 of life.
Anathema stolen 176240 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 3583 of life.
Black Label lost 4659 of life.
Anathema stolen 158606 from Black Label.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because attacked a clan's foe (same category) in clan's war. Yours clan received +1 war points!

Anathema lost 0 of life.
IzabellaRenoir lost 4950 of life.
Anathema stolen 167920 from IzabellaRenoir.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Clark lost 3003 of life.
Anathema lost 2698 of life.
Anathema stolen 129323 from Clark.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 2718 of life.
Angarth Murdock lost 3586 of life.
Anathema stolen 129847 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.

IzabellaRenoir lost 4950 of life.
Anathema lost 4950 of life.
Anathema stolen 123185 from IzabellaRenoir.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 3283 of life.
Lucia Damora lost 4075 of life.
Anathema stolen 104460 from Lucia Damora.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.

Anathema lost 1770 of life.
Angarth Murdock lost 4308 of life.
Anathema stolen 103177 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Courtaud lost 2437 of life.
Anathema lost 4302 of life.
Anathema stolen 102164 from Courtaud.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 4523 of life.
Sendō Iori lost 6519 of life.
Anathema stolen 97216 from Sendō Iori.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because attacked a clan's foe (same category) in clan's war. Yours clan received +1 war points!

Anathema lost 1768 of life.
Angarth Murdock lost 2216 of life.
Anathema stolen 93176 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Anathema lost 1249 of life.
Angarth Murdock lost 2457 of life.
Anathema stolen 51770 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because there is a Verba Infernalis at his clan's library.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because attacked a clan's foe (same category) in clan's war. Yours clan received +1 war points!

Anathema lost 1434 of life.
Itachi-San lost 1485 of life.
Anathema stolen 60310 from Itachi-San.
Anathema received 1 points of experience.

Itachi-San lost 1552 of life.
Anathema lost 1543 of life.
Anathema stolen 59524 from Itachi-San.
Anathema received 1 points of experience.

Sendō Iori lost 2777 of life.
Anathema lost 2037 of life.
Anathema stolen 56436 from Sendō Iori.
Anathema received 1 points of experience.~

Anathema lost 2029 of life.
Montagne lost 4950 of life.
Anathema stolen 47360 from Montagne.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.
Anathema received a bonus of 800 because attacked a clan's foe (same category) in clan's war. Yours clan received +1 war points!

Angarth Murdock lost 3108 of life.
Anathema lost 1793 of life.
Anathema stolen 50395 from Angarth Murdock.
Anathema received 0 points of experience.

Assim vale a pena ;)

1º Reset - 16/05/2019

Mestre - Alacris - PDL 358 - VH 435


Lider da raça de 03/04/2019 a 03/05/2019

2º Reset - 23/10/2019

Mestre - Vitalis - PDL 268 - VH 5


Lider da raça de 03/09/2020 a 02/10/2020

500 de PDL a 27/09/2020

550 de PDL a 17/12/2020

600 de PDL a 27/03/2021

666 de PDL a 05/06/2021

Se você deseja criar um personagem assim neste RPG de navegador, leia este artigo sobre como Lamentosa funciona.

Lobisomem estatísticas

  • Vitórias de honra 12061 -
  • Total de Batalhas 249468 -
  • Batalhas Vencidas 240123 º
  • Batalhas Perdidas 9345 º
  • Empates 0 º
  • Danos Feitos 650128654 º
  • Danos Sofridos 78791604 º
  • Ouro Ganho 168254405 º
  • Ouro Perdido 136432272 º
  • Pontos Tormentus 1221 º