Lamentosa RPG de Navegador

Lobisomem _DEL_b2d3e

Amaldiçoado Comum
Transformou-se em lobisomem em 9 de Agosto de 2024 às 00:52

Publicado por Lamentus Lab
Poder de Luta: Baseado em suas habilidades desconsiderando equipamentos.
Combatividade: Número de vitórias contra a raça inimiga nas últimas 24 horas. Ajuda seu clã a reduzir o custo no treino de atributos. Limit: 30
Vitórias do Grimório: Usado para aprender magias após o nível 10.
  • Experiência

    6 / 20
  • Vida

    150 / 150
  • Força
    Melhora o dano de seu ataque

  • Defesa
    Diminuí o dano de seu inimigo

  • Agilidade
    Melhora a chance de acertar seu imimigo

  • Inteligência
    Melhora a chance de esquivar-se de um ataque inimigo

  • Resistência
    Permite que você ataque por mais rodadas


Lobisomem Descrição

Born in a decaying fishing port in Blackwater, Aaron Lancaster grew up along the swearing marines and traveled since his young age through the seas to make a living for himself and his family. The boy was tough and troubling, but had good will nonetheless, mostly living as another desperate peasant trying to ascend through the classes and claim himself a place amongst the knights at the local militia. As older he grew he came to become a local guard at his home village, thus earning himself some of the experience and reputation needed to self drive himself on to better ranks. Didn't take long before leaving the village troops to become a sellsword for the regional empire, and later on be renowned as a intrepid mercenary.
Unfortunately, due to accepting a beast slaying bounty, he found himself facing one of the most unbearable terrors that roamed the forsaken land which thought him to fend for himself ever since he was a young boy, a werewolf. The fight was intense and Aaron barely made it out alive, relying on all resource that he had while scarring it's skin deeply from battle injury in order to defeat the beast. Coming out as the last one standing wasn't a feat accomplished without a price, and thus the mercenary had come to face a lifelong dilemma, living with a monster within itself, one that once unleashed, was capable of revealing the true dark underneath it's mortal reflection.

Se você deseja criar um personagem assim neste RPG de navegador, leia este artigo sobre como Lamentosa funciona.

Lobisomem estatísticas

  • Vitórias de honra 0 -
  • Total de Batalhas 0 -
  • Batalhas Vencidas 0 º
  • Batalhas Perdidas 0 º
  • Empates 0 º
  • Danos Feitos 0 º
  • Danos Sofridos 0 º
  • Ouro Ganho 0 º
  • Ouro Perdido 0 º
  • Pontos Tormentus 0 º